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Monday, July 18, 2011


Now-a-days BIM (Building Information Modeling) and BIM related tool provide some real business benefits that range from hard-nosed ROI calculations, qualitative progression developments and improved construction project outcomes. BIM offers lots of business valued which are explained below :-

With the collective application & process of generating and applying digital models for design, construction and/or operations of projects, BIM exchange project data or communicate ideas seamlessly among the project team members facilitating each team members to set up a collaborative—or integrated—approach to design and construction. Each member of the project team is forced to reorganize traditional roles and workflows for getting better and quicker ways to commune ideas, trim down errors and get better productivity. BIM remains interoperable amid all team members, facilitating modeling techniques and procedures that amalgamate design, production and operations activities. Team members can better ensure that information is complete and correct.

BIM helps owners to have an improved collective understanding of design intent during a project by presenting & visualizing of architectural design.

BIM decreases conflicts, errors, omissions and changes in construction documents during construction. With virtual design and construction BIM easily recognizes potential problems in advance in the building process. Thus fixing problems early result in fewer issues in the plans, fewer hassles in the field and finally reduces rework (rekeying information into models or making changes in the field). Reducing systems clashes can help budget and schedule.

BIM aids to ameliorate the quality and speed of decision making associated with a project; manage supply chains, sequence workflow, progress correctness of data, diminish time spent on data entry, cut down design and engineering clashes and consequent rework and recover lifecycle management of buildings and infrastructure.

BIM meliorates jobsite efficiency by interacting with people, processes, materials, equipment and information more effectively.

BIM enhances productivity, increases quality & opportunities for new business and gets better project outcomes with fewer RFIs and field coordination problems

BIM users experience positive ROI on their overall investment in BIM during an economic recession.

BIM provides repeatable business value creating scope for marketing new business to new clients and maintaining repeat business with past clients.

With its data rich models, BIM assist in prefabrication, preassembly, modularization, and off-site fabrication techniques and processes. By using BIM, many fabricators get the ability to take out data rather than draw specifications that feed directly into their existing systems. Models of completed projects present a comprehensive database of project information to be applied in performance measurement.

Posted by Rajib Dey
Business Development
Global Associates (Pioneer Company in 3D modeling with BIM & Sketchup)
visit our BIM sites

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