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Thursday, November 15, 2018

Some handy tricks for curtain walls in Revit

In this revit tutorial, one can learn some useful tips to generate curtain walls in Revit.

The curtain wall tool in Revit is mainly applied for walls having complicated patterns, special railings and even casework.

The curtain walls comprise of similar features of a basic wall. They include bottom and top constraints and their profile is rectified.

There are some major additional features in the curtain walls :-

Curtain Grids
These belong to division formed on the walls. These divisions can be horizontal or vertical.

Mullions are components which can be produced on each curtain grid section and on each curtain wall extremities.

Curtain Panels
Curtain panels belong to rectangular components which are situated among each curtain grids.

Curtain Walls are generated in the same manner similar to regular walls. Choose the wall tool in the architecture tab.

While selecting a type, it is necessary to scroll down to opt for a wall in the curtain wall category. These walls contain a glass icon next to them.

Go through the following video tutorial to get familiar with the tips for curtain walls.

Some handy tricks for curtain walls in Revit

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Published By
Rajib Dey

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